Collection: LPM Holding

Welcome to the LPM Holding Co Web Ordering Portal

This site is for Epicurean Feast, Sebastian's and LPM & Affiliates merchandise. 

Instructions for ordering:

1) Add products to cart. You can adjust the quantity on name pins in the cart. 

2) At checkout, use your email address so you will be notified of shipping details. Please include your full shipping address, INCLUDING the UNIT # per LPM Accounts Payable. Example: Epicurean Feast Café c/o DCU, Unit #XXX, 1234 Main St, Anytown, MA, 02111, OR Sebastian's Cafe c/o, ETC. We do not keep unit # addresses on file per LPMHCI instructions. Be sure the ship to address is correct. We are not responsible for lost packages or misdelivery. 

3) Choose payment by CHECK/NET TERMS to allow you to submit your order. This will allow us to bill LPMHCI for the order. We will send LPM a bill. 

If you have any questions, please call 603-627-3472 x2 or if your special item is not available on the site.